...the world has gone mad.
...I thought I'd lost the ability to read properly today (that and thought I was going slightly crazy) only to discover, it wasn't me who was totally nuts, but that the internet - and I do love the internet - is definitely bonkers.
As my eye passed over the google translation page (I far too often frequent this page, as my language skills are crap) I thought I saw a very strange language in the list of languages that the google homepage can be set to;
...haha...I thought I just saw 'Klingon'...*snigger*
It turns out I DID see Klingon, and it wasn't my love of Star Trek coming to haunt me...just that some devotee has managed to translate google into Klingon...now, I know my geography is not so good, and being all ignorant about the world in general, but (...feel free to correct me if I'm wrong..) I'm pretty sure that this is the language by those big aliens with the ridged foreheads, two hearts, two livers, 4 lungs, millions of ribs, which tend to shout "Kaplah!" a lot.
I also noticed that 'Pig Latin' also exists (is this latin for pigs?! - I guess not) as do a multitude of languages that I have never heard of.
Isn't the internet great?
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