Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Foreigner swims naked in the Imperial palace moat

Some British dude decided to give reason to the general idea that foreigners are all weird, by going skinny dipping in the moat of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo.

The news reel says that he is Spanish, but he has apparently been confirmed to be British (BBC article). Go Britain.

Not only was he butt naked and swimming in the moat (which isn't particularly clean and full of hungry and curious carp) but he occasionally climbed parts of the palace walls - intentionally removing some of the rocks on this way. He was also seen to be throwing rocks at people who approached him in a boat and chasing after policemen (whilst still very naked) with a rock in hand. It does give the Tokyo police a bit of break from chasing a rouge monkey...but I don't think it gives them much credibility when they are running scared from a man just because he's holding a rock. Well, I guess naked gaijin's [外国人] are really scary.

This wonderful example of wackiness went on for about 2hours, and he was only finally arrested at 1pm.

Apprently, he has been released with out charge to his friend, on the account that he's nuts/mentally unstable. Although, I'm not entirely convinced that that is a good idea.

Monday, 6 October 2008

The truth about Bananas

I was browsing through the BBC news website, as you do, and came across this article about kosher phones. I never thought that phones could be kosher but apparently they can. 'How?', I hear you cry. Well, apparently, by only being able to make and receive calls; because SMS is evil and can lead to naughty text messages between males and females (which I can kinda understand - keeps all communication above board) as well as allow people to receive SPAM messages about 'secular' events - *shock*horror* okay, I know you are meant to be Ultra Orthodox, but surely you can delete them, like the rest of us? no? Just because you see an advert wont mean that you will immediately do what it says. It's like they are assuming everyone has brains made of jelly.

Anyway, aside from my horrendously prejudiced view on other peoples beliefs there is a far more important issue at stake. That is the issue of bananas.

The article goes on to talk about filtering of the internet so that only vetted material reaches the user - which is nice - even nicer is that one company is offering 'customised surfing packages' because of the sheer abundance of unsavoury information out there on the interweb. The chairman of this company claims that:

"If your kid puts 'banana' into Google, some of the first sites he'll get are porn,"
We checked. It's a LIE!

The first thing we got was wikipedia, and the rest of it was actually about bananas, no nudity or inappropriate behaviour anywhere to be seen. We even checked images, and the closest thing to porn was a photo of two bananas decorated to look like...well..this:

This led to the discovery of tattooedbanana, which is sheer genius; particularly when you look at the alien, the pirate and sharknana.

With a vague connection to the article I was originally going on about there was this photo of a 'kosher banana':

more metro manners

Octobers installment