Photos from Beijing - Part II
Kid with conveniently split trousers
A sensible place to sit and Cool hats!
It was blistering hot when I went to the Forbidden City, and after I had managed to walk from the first to the 3rd temples, I was starting to get an idea of how ridiculously large the place was. To be honest I was resting when I managed to find a nice bit of shade, but there was one tour group of middle-old age ladies who had obviously had enough of all the wretched walking and the blasted heat and had found a lovely bit of door frame conveniently located in a nice shady corridor which happened to channel a cooling flow of air...which just happened to be a corridor which linked one temple to the other. I watched as they sat down one by one to block the corridor in two rows...
The Garden in the North side of the Forbidden City
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