Harbin Part I
View from my bedroom, sorry... 'suite' on the 29th floor...
Despite it being the middle of summer (and it being damned hot) they do have a Ice Sculpture museum; a big freezer room where they have ice sculptures all year round: costs 80yuan to get in and 15yuan to rent the compulsary legwarmers, shoes and jackets that you need to not freeze once inside.
We also went to 'Polar World' which was, as I usually find aquariums and zoos, depressing. Animals in tiny confines being stared at by humans through panes of glass. On the otherhand much further north of the city there is a tiger reserve where you can drive through their cages and take photos of of tigers and ligers (lion-tiger hybrid). Every so often you would see a splattering of chicken feathers where a tasty chicken had been had.

For some added cuteness there were fluffy baby tigers to have photos taken with.
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