Kurobe Dam - Day 2
...That night there was another bug... this time it was one I actually recognised... a nice yellow centipede. Which was pretty damned fast, and really wanted to go to my bedroom (BAD!). We spent a while trying to bat it to go downstairs and hopefully outside, but it managed to squirrel itself into the stairs and refused to go outdoors.... Anyhow, it was better than being in my room....
We were reasonably free in the morning, so we had a little wonder around looking at more engineering stuff (or if you were Greg...the pretty scenery, while laughing at the engineers taking photos of very dull looking things)
Then we grabbed a quick lunch in town and met up with the rest of our group at the train station to make our way up to the main dam...We took a special little train up the valley, it was tiny and powered by a orange diesel engine at the front.
the train eventually emerged from the tunnels onto a chunky looking steel bridge, to the right was a small concrete dam...but it was mainly nice to see the sun again....We definitely weren't taking the normal tourist route...it was the workers entrance.
We then got into a shoddy looking counter-weight cable car...which went up some vicious gradient...
We had a bit of a walk through some tunnels before we reached a gated entrance to the control center of the dam. We were eventually let in and led to a huge board room with a scale model of the Kurobe Valley and the dam catchment area. It was an awesome model with also opened out to show you a cross-section of the dam too :D
We were also taken down to the turbine rooms, which was noisy (much the same as the dam I saw in Greece), but still cool, have a video of it somewhere....
I have to say that Greg has more photos of the trip than I do....but I think you've seen enough concrete for now...
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