The Special Birthday Krispy Kreme Tower
It's the 15th of August, and it's Annalisa's birthday. Needless to say we've gone out to eat.
We are in Ebisu looking for the Monsoon Cafe...It has lovely Moroccan looking lights and a dark wooden decor. Unfortunately, however, the entire restaurant is open out on the the street. This wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't so sticky and humid. But it's actually not too bad inside, their A/C must be on on full blast...stinks of inefficiency if you ask me...
Anyway, we get down to the important business of ordering the 1st round of food and beverages...then the second and third...and some more drinks please...
We then try and ask for a large plate from the waitress, who comes back with a small dish...errrr, we asked for a BIG plate...She heads back to 'have another look' then after a while she comes back and says they doesn't have one. We explain that anything flat and reasonably large will do, then try and point out that we want to build a tower out of the 2 dozen Krispy Kremes that Greg had to queue in the blazing sun for half an hour for at Shinjuku. The waitress looks a bit shifty and tells us that we can't eat things that we brought from a different shop in the restaurant. We're a bit deflated. But we persist, and eventually wrangle it out of her that if we pay a 'cakeage' fee (like corkage but for cake) we are allowed to have the KKs and eat them.
A CAKEAGE FEE?!?!?!? yeah...well...I thought it was a bit mean of them. It was a birthday for god's sake... Anyhoo, suspiciously, after we agree to pay the cakeage fee, they miraculously manage to produce an absolutely Ma-huuusive plate...dusty though it maybe, Greg immediately works on making it eat-off-able... we then start the construction of the KK tower...
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