Wednesday 25 April 2007

A much better way to learn Japanese...

Today Carl introduced me to the concept of a Japanese Tongue Twister (Hayakuchi kotoba), had me in absolute stitches.
Not like its not hard enough to pronounce some of the stuff as it is. You just try saying: it was not warm (atataka kunakatta) or I don't want to work (haierita kunakatta). Now try doing it quickly. isn’t it?

Anyway, the following are some of the least obscure;

The Director of Tokyo Patent Office:
Tokyo tokkyo kyoka kyoku kyoka kyokucho

Child turtle on top of parent turtle, grandchild turtle on top of child turtle, great grandchild turtle on top of grandchild:
Oyagame no ue ni kogame, kogame no ue ni magogame, magogame no ue ni himagogame

Two chickens in Mr. Niwa's garden suddenly ate an alligator
Niwa-san no niwa ni wa niwa niwatori wa niwakani wani o tabeta
...unfortunately, I've been told that grammatically this last one makes no sense...such a shame.

There is also this contribution from youtube. Then, ask why anyone would want to be a contestant on a Japanese TV show. Let alone one on tongue twisters...

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